

Admissions are taken only at the beginning of the school year depending upon vacancy and merit. Students are given an entrance exam to ascertain the merit and eligibility to the class. A student will be eligible only if she/he has been studying in a recognized school and produces the transfer certificate from the school last attended. In an interstate transfer, the transfer certificate needs to be counter signed by the Education Department.


The intended withdrawal of a pupil should be made known to the Principal in writing one calendar month in advance. The current quarter fees must be paid in full before withdrawal. Those discontinuing after July will have to pay the fees for the entire year. Transfer Certificate can be obtained only after all the dues have been Duplicate copies of Transfer Certificate are ordinarily not issued. In special cases such certificates will be issued after verification, on payment of Rs. 200 The School Management, acting through the Principal will request the withdrawal of a pupil who fails for TWO consecutive years in the same class. The school is not responsible for goods or money lost. Students are requested not to wear expensive watches, ornaments, jewellery Money should not be borrowed, lent or articles of any nature exchanged. When the school is in session, the students are strictly forbidden to leave the class without the teacher's permission. They are not allowed to leave the school premises without a gate-pass.


Students should bring the diary to school every day. While changing classrooms between periods pupils should move in silence and in an orderly and disciplined manner. All items belonging to the student must have his/her name. Students are not allowed to bring mobile phone, walkman, ipod or other costly products to school. If a student is found carrying any of the above they will be confiscated. The school is not responsible for goods lost. Inappropriate magazines, books and other print-video/digital materials should not, under any circumstance, be brought to school. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours will lead to expulsion of students from school Respect school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls, desks and chairs or damage things belonging to others. We believe our students are gentle, well behaved and so we discourage abusive language. Misbehaviour in the bus, violence in school, participation in destructive activities and causing damage to school property is considered a major disciplinary violation. Reports of violence in any form in or out of the school shall result in the rustication of the pupil concerned. Each child is under our care and protection, we expect to see that violence is not done either to or by him/her. Any student found commuting to school individually or with fellow students in a motorised vehicle, will be liable for disciplinary action.


The motto of the school is Glory To God and Service to All.
Students who come to the school should arrive at the school by 7:45 a.m. There will be a warning bell at 7:50 a.m. which will be a signal for all to go to the assembly. All have to be present for the assembly.
Late comers and absentees must enter their late-for-school record in the diary, to be signed by the teachers and parents respectively.
In case of long leave, prior written permission of the principal must be obtained. In case of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted within three days of absence.
Conduct that is injurious to the moral tone of the school or the rights of others and not in accord with strict discipline is liable to incur suspension or dismissal.
Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the school staff are considered as violations of school rules and regulations and will attract disciplinary action.
Attendance is compulsory on the first day of a new academic session and on the day before and the day after the Puja/Diwali summer/ winter break.
Attendance, adding upto 90% of the total number of working days, is/ compulsory.
Pupils who are accompanied by attendants should never leave alone. In case of a delay, they should report to the school office. Pupils must be picked up punctually after school hours. Those who go home alone, particularly those who stay for activities, should not loiter on the way but be prompt in returning home.
Pupils must understand that a school is judged by the discipline and conduct of its students. They should always be polite and courteous to their teachers and elders.
Any kind of damage done to the school premises must be made good and will be seriously viewed by the authorities.
Students may not offer presents to their teachers except in those circumstances sanctioned by the principal.
No student is entitled to enter the class unless she/he is clean and neatly dressed in the School Uniform.
Students are requested to keep their class rooms/school building and campus neat and clean and throw litter into the dustbins only.


Students are encouraged to join the various activities of the school, and they must be regular in attending the activity once they have given their names.
Any student desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce parent’s appeal along with doctor certificate to the effect that she/he is physically unfit to take part.
Pupils must attend games and other activities outside school hours when required to do so and participation in such circumstances will be deemed compulsory by the School Authorities. Exemption may be granted on a written request from parents. Such exemption should not be lightly sought as these activities play an important part in the student�s all-round education.


The tuition fee covers twelve calendar months and must be paid in monthly installment:
The Bank will not accept any cash transaction for the school fee.
Tuition fee can be paid online monthly/quarterly/annually through the fee gateway on the school website www.littlefairyschool.com


Principal Office Visiting time for parents.

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (other times by appointment only).

Business Office Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

School Office is closed on the second Saturday of each month.

No School business will be transacted on holidays

No phone calls will be entertained before 7:30 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m.